This way you can easily save the file in the format of your choice. You can also zoom into some parts of the page.
There is some time delay that requires the extension to auto-scroll while taking full page capture. You can also take the screenshot of the particular region of the page. This open source extension allows you to take snap of the entire webpage.

You can dismiss the screenshot simply by using escape keyboard button or pressing mouse key in the grey area. Extension saves the image data in the clipboard which you can reuse inside other application. You can also take the input of the application to Paint or any other image editing program. The saved image has file name on the basis of date and time. It allows you to save the content only in PNG format as of now. All it does is allow you to take screenshot of single page or custom region. It doesn't have any additional complex feature. All you have to do is click on it to take the screenshot. This extension is very simple and easy to use. In case of advanced feature usage you'd need to buy Pro version from the official website. Most of the advanced settings are reserved for the premium version. There are many other advanced settings that you can do with this extension. You can use these short-keys to take the screenshot on timed basis. The extension also has an option to set the short-keys for each type of screenshot.
You can also store the image as PDF option however there is a limitation to this feature for free version of extension. The saved image is stored in PNG or JPG format. You can capture entire webpage screen, custom screen area or above the fold webpage space. This extension allows you to capture screen in multiple ways. If you have been been looking for a nice screenshot capture tool then do take a look at some of the extensions. It's hard to decide which extension is perfect for your needs. You can use these extensions on both browser and Chrome OS desktop. Google Chrome Store has plenty of Extensions that allows you to take screenshot of webpage.